I have some works on display in this exhibition opening at Bathurst Regional Gallery on the 1st August. These are from my residency at the Haefliger cottage, Hill End, in 2003. Which started my love affair with Hill End.

This work titled " Jean Bellette's Bed" was inspired by the bed in Haefligers cottage, and surrounding landscape, in particular a scene I experienced when passing through Sallys Flat one evening around sunset. Burning off had taken place, and the darkening sky was misted with smoke. The evenings are so spectacular in Hill End with streams of golds and reds, against the darkening land, and you become aware of the very spiritual and ghostly presences around you. Hence the disturbed and tousled bed as though the sleeper could not rest.
'Into the Dark' is a landscape from the rear of Haefligers cottage looking towards the East as sunset occurs. There is a small running figure - on closer observation you can see it is a nun. In 2003 a performance troupe led by Julie-Anne Long, reinacted the Jeffre

y Smart painting of the Nun's Picnic - my quick homage is below. For a period of 4 weeks, nuns would appear in different places around Hill End, and in this case one of them was seen running towards the town.